Change Log

Version 2.0.6:
    * Converter application changed certificate and install path
    * Pref key change ConverterApplicationPath to ConverterApplicationPath2, will clear custom converter installation path for updated app.
    * Asset bundle example compatible with Unity 5.4+.
    * Added Texture compression settings, Unity 5.5 changed default compression setting on initial asset import.

    * (internal) added define UNITY_5_5_PLUS
    * changed dll build target version to unity 5.5.1f1

    * added correct unity texture filter options ( removed normal maps )
Version 2.0.2:
    * Builds:
    * Added MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour.loadMovieClip()
    * Added MovieClipBehaviour.meshGeneratorOptions
    * [change] MovieClip instance cache default changed to displayObjectInternalCachePurgeFrameInverval=30,displayObjectInternalCachePurgeNumPerStep=1024. to restore previous behaviour use 60, 32 respectively.
    * [change] changes from a field to property, lazy initialisation added on get.
    * [change] MovieClipBehaviour.doubleBufferMesh is obsolete, use MovieClipBehaviour.meshGeneratorOptions & MovieClipBehaviour.setMeshGeneratorOptions() .
    * [dev] Added UniSWFRuntimeManagerBehaviour.enableSceneChangeUnloadWarning = false, displays un-used swf assets when changing scenes.
    * [cleanup] Removed MovieClipPlayer._dev_enable_legacySetFrame, enableDepreciatedPreFrameCallback, enableUVSubPixelBug.
    * [fix] Dynamic material leak fixed, TextureManager.purgeDynamicMaterials was not removing the weak reference tracking info and would leak memory over time.

    * [fix] MaterialReference.setOwner did not correctly set owner to keep dynamic material references, also changed from struct to class.
    * [optim] GraphicsMeshGenerator: removed recursive call for blendMode & color, inlined renderGraphics.
    * [dev] Added MovieClip readonly sprite pooling & read-only graphics.
    * [dev] Added MovieClipBehaviour.readOnlyMovieClip, enabled MovieClip read-only feature from the inspector.
    * [dev] Added MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour.readOnlyMovieClip, enabled MovieClip read-only feature from the inspector.
    * [fix] WWWMovieClip causing log spam when checking cached textures.
    * [fix] WWWMovieClip rewritten to support multiple download of the same swf, stores assets in the global swf cache.
    * Added WWWMovieClip.unloadAllWWW(), allows unloading www MovieClips from the global swf cache.
    * [fix] TextureManager.clearTextureCache() performance fix, call to Array.IndexOf(Texture2D[], value ) removed due to very slow behaviour in Unity. 
    * Added MovieClip.unloadAll( ignore[] ), unload all movieclips with ignore option.
    * Added MovieClip.unloadUnusedSwfs, scans scene for un-used swf assets with default deep scan option.   
    * Added warning message to MCB when readonly.

Version 2.0.1:

    * Unity 4.6 & 5/DirectX half-pixel alignment disabled by default, to re-enable this behaviour change pumpkin.displayInternal.GraphicsDrawMeshGenerator.enableSubPixel_vert = true;
    * [Pro] Unity 5 welcome scene added to replace welcome window install trigger ( unity 5 will force close Editor windows triggered from the asset import event ).
    * BuiltinResourceLoader.onSwfLoadFail & onSwfLoadSuccess callback added, ability to catch swf loading complete and errors globally.

Version 2.0.0:

    * Added scale 9 example

    * ported "Example 01 - Deepspace Demo" to c#

    * Updated RPC comms to converter application.
    * Unity 4 & 5 build targets added

    * Unity version warning detection added to runtime & welcome screen

    * [internal] Test automation updated, editor based unit tests added to buildbot.

    * [internal] Test automation updated, editor play mode based unit tests added to buildbot.

    * MovieClipBehaviour Android fix when rendering multiple ( > 7 ) zero sized meshes, mesh set to null on mesh filter when no display objects.
    * MovieClip.swfProfile can be null or "", BuiltinResourceLoader will use IsNullOrEmpty instead of null check.

Version 1.1.0 b145:

    * [Pro] WebGL Platform Added.

    * [Pro] il2cpp compatibility added, will convert to iOS 64bit & WebGL platforms.

    * Default change MovieClipBehaviour.defaultUseAccurateTiming = true

    * Default change MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour.defaultUseAccurateTiming = true

Version 1.1.0 b139:

     * Memory pooling added to MovieClipBehaviour

     * Pre-cache some matrix transforms added on swf load.

Version 1.1.0 b133:

    * Fix for material reference cleanup method purgeDynamicMaterials().

Version 1.1.0 b123:

    * Material leak fixed for dynamically created material ( drawSolidRect etc ), cleanup routine with weak reference to release after x calls

    * MovieClip.unload material leak fixed, TextureManager will call Destroy() on the material now

    * DisplayObject.getBoundsRef added, zero/in GC usage when querying sizes, uses native unity Rect.

    * [Pro][NewPlatform] Added PSM platform.

    * [Pro][NewPlatform] Windows Stores Universal Apps/Metro EventDispatcher .

    * [Pro] OSX fixFtDumpPermissions() added to ft_dump, ensures permission to execute tool.

    * [Pro] Mesh renderer object pooling added

    * [Pro] Mesh renderer allocator interface added ( custom memory pooling )

    * MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour.doubleBufferMesh has no effect

    * Added MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour.meshGeneratorOptions 

    * Added DisplayObject.cull, will not render while keeping visible state

    * Added DisplayObject.hitTestPoint
    * Added DisplayObject.hitTestMousePoint
    * AnimSpriteSheet lazy init ( previous optim caused null exception )

Version 1.1.0 b94:
    * Added DisplayObject.cull, if true DisplayObject will not be rendered, useful for flagging of objects to cull from mesh generation.

    * Twener game object remove fix.

    * Internal define added to remove reflection from event dispatcher ( WIP )

    * MovieClipBehaviour editor preview fix when playing in editor and disabled.

    * MovieClip texture uv coords calculated offline, allows the ability to stream textures post swf load.

    * [Pro] Added platform MetroPlayerARM ( in dev )

    * [Pro] Added platform MetroPlayerARM ( in dev )

    * [Pro] Added platform BB10Player ( in dev )

    * Added missing SendMessageOP

Version 1.1.0 b61:
    * AnimSpriteSheet construct gc alloc optim, use initialise() to contract. ( previously cause extra allocation when cached ).
    * AnimSpriteSheet fixed first frame data corruption referencing bug.

    - analytics tracking for version
        - send version in ping

    - ensure GetHashCode works on wp8, eg remove event listener
        - check wp8 dev for this

Version 1.1.0 b60:
    * Fixed SpriteSheetMovieClipBehaviour material

Version 1.1.0 b59:
    * TTF font line height defaults to correct value defined in font, can be overridden in TextFormat or UniSWFTTFFontAssetInfo

Version 1.1.0 b14:

    * Converter client as3 override export nested bug fix.

    * Build system changed for DLL Std/Pro build variants.

    * Added CSharpEvents example, shows how to bind event callbacks with MouseEvent etc.
    * [pro] Added 'Custom Editor Export' example, shows how to invoke the swf exporter from and editor script.

    * Examples ported to Unity 4.3
    * Added Tweener.addTweenWithParams, shortcut instead of using Hash() method.

    * Added Examples/common/as3/uniSWF_as3Api_v2.swf, fluid layouts version 2.

    * ft_dump.exe build fix to release ( may require Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86) )

    * platform warning added

    * initial optims pass TTF Font.characterInfo cache optim when rendering per-textfield

    * RPC socket to converter client fixed for Windows 8, underlying async socket was reporting as connected resulting in a blocking call to invalid socket.

    * TTF font lookup uses unity Font.fontNames, manually override bad font styles or remap fonts easily.

    * WP8 Touch support added to MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour & ScreenUtils

    * WP8 EventDispatcher fix when comparing delegate, disabled GetHashCode() compare on WP8 ( c# docs specify this should not be used and will depreciate in future versions )

    * Added PlatformCharacteristics to allow overriding of platform specific features.

Version 1.1.0 b23:
    * TTF cache dirty fix, textureRebuildCallback will invalidate and render before next frame ( optim still needed )

Version 1.1.0 b23:

    * localToGlobal matrix cache when invalid fix.

Version 1.1.0 b26:

    * TTF font fix, lineH NaN was initialised before unitsPerEm query from font cache resource data.

Version 1.1.0 b28:

    * TTF relative pixel snapping fix

    * BitmapTextField.pixelSnapping property change will re-render text.

    * TTF force render added for device resume.

Version 1.1.0 b30:

    * Profiling callback support added.

    * DisplayObject.startDrag relative fix

Version 1.1.0 alpha_6:

    * Fast Tweener optimisation, internals use int ID to map properties instead of strings, reduces GC usage.

    * [pro] Tweener basic support for gameObjects added.        

    * SoundManager.createSound uses volume parameter correctly when using exiting pooled sound object.

    * Fluid layout engine updated ( docs still in progress )

    * MovieClip.getMovieClipLayout() obsolete, use movieClipLayout

    * Api access added MovieClip.movieClipLayout, DisplayObject.internalVmData 

    * MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour Change clip button added to attach movieclip from Unity inspector.

    * Converter client export profiler report added, press r key ( anywhere on the exporter app ) to open a report on the last exporter file. 

    * Added DisplayObject.rotation hint from original swf, will report exported rotation value.

    * DisplayObject.width/height setter will set scaleX, scaleY instead of internal sizing.

    * [pro] Added ttf font creation, Window->uniSWF->Tool->Create TTF Font

    * [pro] Added ft_dump, allows ttf data to be stored offline. win32 & osx build added.

    * MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour, MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour inspector drag and drop swf asset added.

    * EventDispatcher event capturing support improved.

    * [pro] TTF Asset postprocessing pipeline added, TTF fonts are index and usable from swf assets and code.

    * SWF format changed ( re-export required for <= 1.1.0 alpha_5 )

    * [pro] TTF MovieClipPlayer integration

    * Tweener support added for multiple callbacks on OnStart, update & complete.

    * Added tweener coroutine support for completion eg. yield return StartCoroutine( t.waitTweenComplete() );

    * Matrix.transformRect bug with identity matrix, will effect DisplayObject.getBounds()

    * DisplayObject.getBounds() should report correct height, resolved by fixing transformRect.

    * Added DisplayObject.zWorldOffset allows offset zDraw position, useful when tring to alter the mesh bounds for transparency sorting issues.

    * MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour.instance uses FindObjectOfType as fallback for non-tagged main Camera.
    * BuiltinResourceLoader.removeAssetBundle( ) handles asset textures from asset bundles correctly now. set TextureManager.allowEditorUnload = true to test in editor.

    * SwfBackgroundPreloader loading fixed.

    * Removed references to System.XML for compatibulity with WP8, using json from now on. ( TextFieldLocalization doesnt support xml anymore )

    * Added [pro] pumpkin.serialization.json.

    * Added BitmapTextField.enableDeprecialtedTextWrapping, wraps large words like flash does, setting this flag will use old behaviour and clip the word.

    * Added BitmapTextField.defaultTextFieldPadding default 2 pixel padding to TextFields, (only valid when enableDeprecialtedTextWrapping == false)

    * [pro][beta] WP8 Platform added, builds for Wp8

    * Tweener change to use pumpkin.utils.GenericCollection from Hashtable ( may break some code )

    * Hashtable usage removed from core ( tweener, fluid layouts used this a lot ).

    * [alpha] [pro] UnityTTFBitmapTextField added, support TTF rendering

    * Added pumpkin.swf.MovieClipLoggingOptions

    * Added pumpkin.MovieClipPlayer.swfLoggingOptions, allow logging filtering, will currently logs missing symbols.

    * Missing symbols on a valud swf now report by default, can be disabled with 'pumpkin.MovieClipPlayer.swfLoggingOptions'

    * [pro] Added custom SWF export API pumpkin.SwfConverterClient.doSwfAssetExport( assetInfo )

    * Added MovieClip.isSwfLoaded(), check is swf is loaded ( internally uses MovieClip.contextCache key check )

    * BuiltinResourceLoader.removeAssetBundle( ) handles asset textures from asset bundles correctly now. set TextureManager.allowEditorUnload = true to test in editor.
    * BuiltinResourceLoader.removeAssetBundle( ) removed debug traces in release, use MovieClip.profilerSettings |= MovieClipProfiler.SwfLoad to debug unloading

Version 1.1.0 alpha_5:

    * Display Object matrix reverted back.

    * Converter client display object (non-user set) names are now consistent between frames ( mainly referenced in export data )

    * [dev] MovieClipPlayer frame optimiser added. can be access via mc.assetContect.optimise(), can be tested in dev with pumpkin.swf.MovieClipPlayer._dev_enable_frameReferencing

    * WWWMovieClip loading order bugs fixed, reduces memory leaks. 

    * [pro] BitmapData.draw

    * MovieClipPlayer.enableDepreciatedPreFrameCallback removed.

    * MovieClipPlayer.FrameCallback removed, use EventDispatcher.EventCallback instead ( same arg signature )

    * MovieClipPlayer.addFrameScript change arg to EventDispatcher.EventCallback, is passing reference type rename vars to EventDispatcher.EventCallback

    * MovieClipPlayer.addFrameScript would incorrectly trigger between different movieclip instanced, internally uses FrameScriptEventDispatcher.
    * Added MovieClipPlayer.removeFrameScript

    * BitmapTextField doesnt create internal input cursor/tweener when DYNAMIC.

    * DisplayObject.getMatrix will update matrix to be correct, getMatrixRaw has been added for a work around if any code relied on this call.

Version 1.1.0 alpha_4:

    * Converter client null string issue when writing swf, may require re-export of FLA assets.
    * DisplayObject.setMatrixOverride() cache fixed.

    * MovieClipBehaviour draw mesh fix

    * Mesh generator double buffering fix

    * BitmapTextField.globalPixelSnapping = 1 ( default )

    * (temp fix)Reverted DisplayObject internal matrix cache optim.

Version 1.1.0 alpha_3:

    * swf.bytes version changed to FORMAT_VERSION_8, optimised chunk size encodings, more efficient stream reader added.
    * Keyframe referencing added, optimises memory usage for large animations       

    * swf format size optim, reduce keyframe usage by 50%

    * Added BitmapData class.

    * Added Bitmap class.

    * [pro] Per-pixel hit-testing export options added, in the as3 timeline add:  "uniSWF.currentMovieClip.setOption( uniSWF.TEXTURE_READWRITE, true );"

    * TextField clone() bug fixed, will clone correct font class linkage and text contents.

    * Export Options->fonts added ASCII unicode range ( 00-FF ).

    * Removed MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour.textFieldPixelSnapping, causing race conditions due to global state setting pumpkin.swf.BitmapTextField.globalPixelSnapping.

    * Double buffering for MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour & MovieClipBehaviour
    * MovieClipBehaviour.drawMeshMode

    * Simple vector renderer added ( internal use only )

    * [pro] Manual Texture packing, simple vector shape support feature added.
    * Added Graphics.hitTestCallback

    * Added Graphics.poly hit testing.
    * Added pumpkin.system.defaults.GlobalDefaults, allows reseting global state ( static vars to library default ).

    * SwfReader.readBitmapAssetInfo embedded texture will be read-only by default, SWFReader_8.readOnlyEmbededTexture can be used to disabled this feature.
    ! WWWMovieClip loading order bugs fixed, reduces memory leaks. 
        TODO: unit test mem unload

    * optimised getFullMatrix() usage in render pipeline.

    * Added Display object dirty flags for more efficient rendering.
    * Added GlyphInfo.setKerning() & GlyphInfo.getKerning(), BitmapTextField now supports per character kerning.

    * BitmapTextField add virtual calls and removed most internal prefixes.

    * DisplayObject.globalToLocal gc optim.

Version 1.1.0 alpha_2:

    * Pro version product started.

    * Editor converter client interface added more verbose stack trace for converter to unity error reporting.

    * Convert client fix generating textures bounds when Shape[0] and MovieClip[1] negative coords ( getBounds() related issue ).

    * [pro][dev] Movieclip resolution scale factor, set export DPI scale, useful for scaled vector assets.

    * [pro][dev] Auto Movieclip resolution scale factor detection, will scan movieclip to scale usage.

    * [pro][dev] Added IBitmapDrawable interface, changed DisplayObject(IBitmapDrawable)

    * [dev] Added Graphics.perPixelHitTestEnabled, allows per pixel hit testing on graphics using read/write textures.

    * DLL added, uniSWFInternal.dll, standard version will be stubs for future feature upgrades.

Version 1.1.0 alpha_1:
    * TextField.displayAsPassword added.

    * Graphics.clear() GC optim, clearing internal array instead of allocating, ( might cause compatibility issues if referencing drawOPs array ).

    * Converter client project air version upgraded.

Version 1.0.6_mr2 ( Maintenance release ):

    * BuiltinResourceLoader.removeAssetBundle( ) handles asset textures from asset bundles correctly now. set TextureManager.allowEditorUnload = true to test in editor.

    * BuiltinResourceLoader.removeAssetBundle( ) removed debug traces in release, use MovieClip.profilerSettings |= MovieClipProfiler.SwfLoad to debug unloading

Version 1.1.0 alpha_5:

    * Display Object matrix reverted back.

    * Converter client display object (non-user set) names are now consistent between frames ( mainly referenced in export data )

    * [dev] MovieClipPlayer frame optimiser added. can be access via mc.assetContect.optimise(), can be tested in dev with pumpkin.swf.MovieClipPlayer._dev_enable_frameReferencing

    * WWWMovieClip loading order bugs fixed, reduces memory leaks. 

    * [pro] BitmapData.draw
        - TODO: more tests needed
        - TODO: set max limit on size, max textures

    * MovieClipPlayer.enableDepreciatedPreFrameCallback removed.

    * MovieClipPlayer.FrameCallback removed, use EventDispatcher.EventCallback instead ( same arg signature )

    * MovieClipPlayer.addFrameScript change arg to EventDispatcher.EventCallback, is passing reference type rename vars to EventDispatcher.EventCallback

    * MovieClipPlayer.addFrameScript would incorrectly trigger between different movieclip instanced, interally uses FrameScriptEventDispatcher.
    * Added MovieClipPlayer.removeFrameScript

    * BitmapTextField doesnt create internal input cursor/tweener when DYNAMIC.

    * DisplayObject.getMatrix will update matrix to be correct, getMatrixRaw has been added for a work arround if any code relied on this call.

Version 1.1.0 alpha_4:

    * Converter client null string issue when writing swf, may require re-export of FLA assets.
    * DisplayObject.setMatrixOverride() cache fixed.

    * MovieClipBehaviour draw mesh fix

    * Mesh generator double buffering fix

    * BitmapTextField.globalPixelSnapping = 1 ( default )

    * (temp fix)Reverted DisplayObject internal matrix cache optim.

Version 1.1.0 alpha_3:

    * swf.bytes version changed to FORMAT_VERSION_8, optimised chunk size encodings, more efficient stream reader added.
    * Keyframe referencing added, optimises memory usage for large animations       

    * swf format size optim, reduce keyframe usage by 50%

    * Added BitmapData class.

    * Added Bitmap class.

    * [pro] Per-pixel hit-testing export options added, in the as3 timeline add:  "uniSWF.currentMovieClip.setOption( uniSWF.TEXTURE_READWRITE, true );"

    * TextField clone() bug fixed, will clone correct font class linkage and text contents.

    * Export Options->fonts added ASCII unicode range ( 00-FF ).

    * Removed MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour.textFieldPixelSnapping, causing race conditions due to global state setting pumpkin.swf.BitmapTextField.globalPixelSnapping.

    * Double buffering for MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour & MovieClipBehaviour
    * MovieClipBehaviour.drawMeshMode

    * Simple vector renderer added ( internal use only )

    * [pro] Manual Texture packing, simple vector shape support feature added.
    * Added Graphics.hitTestCallback

    * Added Graphics.poly hit testing.
    * Added pumpkin.system.defaults.GlobalDefaults, allows reseting global state ( static vars to library default ).

    * SwfReader.readBitmapAssetInfo embeded texture will be read-only by default, SWFReader_8.readOnlyEmbededTexture can be used to disabled this feature.
    ! WWWMovieClip loading order bugs fixed, reduces memory leaks. 
        TODO: unit test mem unload

    * optimised getFullMatrix() usage in render pipleine.

    * Added Display object dirty flags for more efficient rendering.
    * Added GlyphInfo.setKerning() & GlyphInfo.getKerning(), BitmapTextField now supports per character kerning.

    * BitmapTextField add virtual calls and removed most internal prefixes.

    ! converter client testFrameReferencing not passing tests

Version 1.1.0 alpha_2:

    * Pro version product started.

    * Editor converter client interface added more verbose stack trace for converter to unity error reporting.

    * Convert client fix generating textures bounds when Shape[0] and MovieClip[1] negative coords ( getBounds() related issue ).

    * [pro][dev] Movieclip resolution scale factor, set export DPI scale, useful for scaled vector assets.

    * [pro][dev] Auto Movieclip resolution scale factor detection, will scane movieclip to scale usage.

    * [pro][dev] Added IBitmapDrawable interface, changed DisplayObject(IBitmapDrawable)

    * [dev] Added Graphics.perPixelHitTestEnabled, allows per pixel hit testing on graphics using read/write textures.

    * DLL added, uniSWFInternal.dll, standard version will be stubs for future feature upgrades.

Version 1.1.0 alpha_1:
    * TextField.displayAsPassword added.

    * Graphics.clear() GC optim, clearing internal array instead of allocating, ( might cause compatibility issues if referencing drawOPs array ).

    * Converter client project air version upgraded.

Version 1.0.6_mr1 ( Maintenance release ):

    * MovieClipBehaviour.defaultUnityCompat42DrawMeshOverrideEnabled default set to false, unity > 4.20f1 update should resolve transparency issues.

    * Bug MovieClipBehaviour Awake() should set correct frame in movieclip, bug introduced in 1.0.5.

    * Added MovieClipBehaviour.generateMesh()

    * BitmapTextField.globalPixelSnapping = 1 ( default )

Version 1.0.5 FINAL:

    * Current unity asset store version.

Version 1.0.5 rc_8:

    * disabled drawMesh rendering fix auto-enable as unity are going to resolve the bug Yay! can be be enabled with the DeveloperOverridesBehaviour.

Version 1.0.5 rc_7:

    * Unity 4.2 rendering bug added version detection and auto-enable. can be disabled with the DeveloperOverridesBehaviour.

Version 1.0.5 rc_6:

    * Unity 4.2 rendering bug override added.

Version 1.0.5 rc_5:

    * Final prep for store release

    * Uniswf logo branding update.

    * Platform certification checks added.

Version 1.0.5 rc_6:

    * Unity 4.2 transparency work arround, ref:

Version 1.0.5 rc_5: 

    * Misc packaging update.

Version 1.0.5 rc_4:

    * Added useAccurateTiming to MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour & MovieClipBehaviour, & defaultUseAccurateTiming, resolves default fps timing issue when using with existing projects.

Version 1.0.5 rc_3:

    * [BREAKING CHANGES] MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour & MovieClipBehaviour.fps now reflect correct framerate. effects timing of animations, some may play.
        enable MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour & MovieClipBehaviour.enableDepreciatedFrameTiming to revert at Awake() previous timings.     

    * AnimSpriteSheet supports multiple textures

Version 1.0.5 rc_2:

    * Fast renderer added

    * Tweaked renderer allocation, and some mem leaks

    * clipRect support added to MovieClipBehaviour backend renderer

Version 1.0.5 rc_1

    * New examples added, BMFont integration, touchinput, custom input event injection, asset bundle loading
    * CLICK event should work correctly if the contents of a button change and fire up the event stack.

    * Rounding issues resolved with pixel-snapping.

    * Multi-touch added to overlay camera.

    * Converter text export sub-pixel rendering issue resolved which was effecting text quality when not positioned to whole pixels.

    * Converter textfield filter hashing made to be consistent between separate swf files when using shared movieclip.

    * BitmapTextField optm for internal glyph processing done once per font not textfield.

    * BitmapTextField (instantiated from movieclip) will now search for fonts if exported linkage uri is not present, will attempt to match font name and nearest available bitmap size

    * Added BitmapTextField.addCharColor allows setting char colors ( beta )

    * Added texture filter settings on Export options, can customise output textures to non-GUI filter.

    * Added BuiltinResourceLoader.removeAssetBundle()

    * TextField focus getting stuck on non-input textfields

    * TextField focus release uses stage mouse up to clear state

Version 1.0.4_dev
    * Version discontinued, please contact support for more info. bleeding edge features will be merged into future updates.

Version 1.0.3 hotfix_2

Changelog summary:
    * Added Camera.rect support for overlay camera.

Version 1.0.3 hotfix_1

Changelog summary:

    * Texture padding fix added to swf converter.

    * File to allow .swfoptions can be made read-only

    * Sub-pixel alignment resolved for DX9 and openGL.

    * Added GraphicsDropOP.pixelSnapping, allow pixels to be screen aligned ( Overlay Camera only )

    * Added BitmapTextField.globalPixelSnapping, allows textfields to be pixel snapped.

    * Added BitmapTextField.globalPixelSnapMinSize, auto enable pixel snapping.


Version 1.0.3

Changelog summary:
    * (feature+) Fluid layout engine added, allow auto layout of game ui for any screen sizes and aspect ratios.

    * Simple un-optimised XML based action vm added for basic timeline control, eg. call uniSWF.stop() etc ( swc lib is required ).

    * VM Commands added for events, playing sounds, timeline control, scene and navigate url plus the fluid layout engine.

    * MovieClip.label fixed, can get label between label definitions.

    * MovieClip alpha bug fix when calling gotoAndStop/Play would not update alpha.

    * TextField fixed DPI scaling when scaling down for 3g beta feature.

    * DisplayObject.addChild invalidates matrix cache disabled ( can re-enable by setting depreciatedInvalidateMatrixAfterAddChild )

    * InteractiveMovieClipBehaviour mouse coords set to -99999 if not inside collider plane.

    * CLICK event now handled correctly.

    * package added, basic URL loader queue and abstraction ( wraps WWW class )
    * EventDispatcher bug, fixed listeners getting removed when deep dispatching.

    * Added custom resource loader interface ISwfResourceLoader

    * Added BuiltinResourceLoader

    * Added MovieClipPlayer.rootResourceLoader, can replace default loader with custom one

    * MovieClipPlayer.swfPrefix  moved to BuiltinResourceLoader.swfPrefix

    * Profile export prefixes resources with profile name (re-export required of all profiled assets)

    * Swf Uri browser has search function.
    * Basic asset bundle support added to BuiltinResourceLoader ( beta )
    * Tile packer added to swf convert, splits large assets into padded smaller tiles, allows better texture packing options and higher res assets. ( beta )

    * Fixed edge artefacts on some textures by padding textures to prevent bilinear/trilinear filtering from bleeding into the next tile. to enable go Export options->Avanced->Texture Padding.

    * MovieClipBehaviour.staticRemoveOnStart added, will remove movieclip on first update, performance optimisation

    * StaticMovieClipBehaviour added, fast movieclip rendering for static objects, also has the ability to manually update the movieclip during runtime.

    * TweenerObj.tweenUpdate() made public from internal, allows manual/external updating of tweens.

    * MovieClipPlayer.enableDepreciatedPreFrameCallback will enable frame callbacks before display list fixup in the movieclip class, false will have a valid frame display lists when the frame callback is fired.

    * MovieClipProfiler.ParseXmlActions added to profile action parsing during runtime.

    * Added Window->uniSWF->Export Selected, allows manual swf export by selecting the swf file in the project view.

    * Tilemap export options added ( beta )

    * added DisplayObjectContainer.addChildAt(..)

    * Add texture packer options to Swf Export Options, allow refining texture packing iterations.

    * Font filter clipping issue resolved

    * Font export when transforming fields ( will still report as warning ).

    * New texture packer, added load of options to balance time vs efficiency.

    * NO_DEFAULT unicode parameter added, disables default charset from being exported to save texture space.

    * Small tile grouping added to speed up texture packer, groups very small objects into groups
    * Bottom right area of the texture is now used by texture packer

    * MovieClipBehaviour.editorPreview enforced in exec in editor update ( please note its still not enforced in refresh & swf browser )

    * (beta) Support for non-Resource based swfs.

    * (beta) New font glyph reader, improved character spacing on some fonts ( doesn't work on size 12 fonts for some reason due to em to pixels translation issue ).

    * (beta) Initial support for scale9 but very limited, only 1 frame supported and text fields will not work correctly.   

    * Initial flash target added as separate DLL some features has been disabled due to the cil2as3 limitations in the current unity release.

    * SwfBackgroundPreloader added, allow loading swf assets in the background.

    * UniSWFSharedAssetManagerBehaviour.clearContextCache enabled by default, when changing scenes the swf cache will be cleared. when migrating from <= 1.0.2 just disable this in the property inspector.

    * renamed SpriteSheetMovieClipBehaviour.movieclip to swf.

    * MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour removed default internal MovieClip, calling getChildAt( 2 ) on stage may break some things, just add a display object before the scene start to fix any issues.

    * MovieClipBehaviour now supports text color ( previous fix was to use overlay camera backend renderer ).

Version 1.0.2 hotfix_1:

    * Mem leak fixed when switching scenes, call MovieClip.clearContextCache() to release uniswf swf cache when changing scenes.
    * TextureManager.allowEditorUnload added
    * MovieClip.clearContextCache() fixed to unload textures
    * TextureManager.instance.clearTextureCache() removes resources.
    * SwfBackgroundPreloader added

Version 1.0.2

Changelog summary:
    * (Converter) Added support for swf's exported from Flash CS6

Version 1.0.1

Changelog summary:
    * (Editor) (Usability issue) Window->uniSWF->Export Options -> fonts -> "Export fonts" change default to true, Fonts will now work out of the box.

    * (Editor) (Usability issue) Window->uniSWF->Export Options -> fonts -> "Charset" renamed to "Embed characters".

    * (Lib) (feature) Added UniSWFSharedAssetManagerBehaviour to allow shared assets to be loaded without any scripting, also detects script exec order to ensure assets are preloaded before any other gameObjects.
    * (Editor) Converter app version detection in welcome screen after update and change log link added to welcome screen.  
    * (Editor) Added version mismatch detection warning, prompt user to update convert to latest version.       

    * (Converter) Label frame number export error, when labels were spaced out the frame label would be incorrectly stored.

    * (Converter) Additional default embed characters #~()$*\\/@;<>^

    * (Lib) (feature) MovieClip.addFrameScript() added, allows per frame/label callbacks instead of manually checking for the currentFrame every Update().

    * (Converter) Added build version to RPC ping command.  
    * (Lib) InteractiveMovieClipBehaviour error when Camera.main is null or there is no camera tagged with "MainCamera", can now select the camera to use for input along with better defaults.     

    * (Lib) Textfield cursor height calculation determined by an average of the character minY and maxY instead of the line height

    * (Lib) Textfield.maxChars property added to API, flash IDE text property "Max chars" support added also.

    * (Lib) Textfield.validChars added, restricts text input to certain characters.

    * (Lib) Added MovieClip.currentLabel.

    * (Lib) Added MovieClip.playBackwards().

    * (Converter) Text bounds calculation doesn't include filters so drop shadows and glows work better now.    

    * (Lib) MovieClipOverlayCamera fixed screen resize issue, stage will maintain correct pixel size after viewport resize. 
    * (Lib) TextField backwards computability update.

    * (All) Font rendering quality issue resolved, changed texture filtering to point ( will add global filtering options in the next update ).

    * (Lib) TextFormat.leading added, allows changing the line spacing.

    * (Lib) TextField.getGlyph( char id ), get underlying glyph which allows character customisation eg. change character render width.

    * (Lib) TextField input issue on web player when handling return key, added /r keycode to line-return detection.

    * (All) Font export classname changed filter descriptors to hash for speed, requires will break shared fonts so re-export of all shared asset required.

    * (Lib) TextFormat.fontClassName added.

    * (Lib) TextFormat.exportedStyleName added.

    * (Editor) Window->uniSWF->Export All, adds ability to mass export SWF assets.

    * (Converter) Finally added support for nested movie clips, no more exporting all the movie clips in the library.

    * (Editor) Added Exporter nested movie clips options (default), when disabled movie clips/symbols are baked along with filter into bitmaps unless exported.
    * (Tutorial) 'Tutorial 04 - Timeline control' added.
    * (Tutorial) 'Tutorial 05 - TextFields and bitmap fonts' added.
    * (Tutorial) 'Tutorial 07 - Shared assets and fonts' added.
    * (Lib) DisplayObject.clipRect ( only implemented in MovieClipOverlayCamera, wont work in 3D ) experimental clipping added, useful for doing scrollable panels etc

    * (All)  Window->uniSWF->Export Options -> fonts -> "Embed unicode ranges", allows adding any unicode range to the font export eg. CJK Unified Ideographs would be "4E00-9FFF", please note this will take a while as its generating 20991 glyphs so its probably best narrow down the charset and export fonts in a separate asset.

    * (Converter) Font layout engine now uses grids to optimise compile time for large character sets, 20k characters takes < 30 seconds.

    * (Converter) Font rendering in win32 improved, fixed floating point number rounding error.
    * (Lib) Changed mouse event processing priority in MovieClipOverlayCameraBehaviour to before renderFrame() update, resolves event/display sync and UI response issues.

    * (Project) Renamed example projects to remove 'Pro Only' as examples will now work on all releases of Unity and uniSWF.
Misc changelog notes:   
    * Changed the default font export options to not use shared assets, makes it easier to get textfields working out of the box, the  pumpkin.editor.SwfAssetExportOptions::exportFonts changed from false to true.
    * New default embed charset changed to: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789,.'\"_-+:!?#~()$*\\/@;<>^|